— Abigail Iquo Isuo
It is my belief and passion that who we truly are is yet to be discovered.
Our fullest potential is our birthright, and the desire for our truth and, thus, our essential self is the journey we are on.
I am an Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist with over 20+ years of experience. I offer a bespoke, safe space that allows you to take responsibility for your life, growth, and transformation.
If you are facing challenges, they are unique to who you are and who you are becoming, and they are often an opportunity for deep discovery and change. The world is asking us to evolve and to emerge into more of who we really can be. This involves courage, self-accountability, and a willingness to own and be our truth; only then can we start living. If you are ready to discover the real you through the issues you are facing and your life questions, send us an email here...

Individual Work
Individual therapy is a valuable opportunity for all, enabling individuals to explore and address current difficulties, traumas, problems, and conflicts.
one on one Therapy
Inner Child Work
Eye Movement Desensitization reprogramming (EMDR)
Spiritual work
Breath work
Group Work
Individual therapy is a valuable opportunity for all, enabling individuals to explore and address current difficulties, traumas, problems, and conflicts.
Couples Therapy
Women’s Work
Family’s Constellations
Group Therapy
About Abigail
MA, BSc (Hons), Dip Psych, EMDR, NLP, MBACP, UKCP
Abigail is an Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist with a deep passion for growth, truth and transformation. She has always been intrigued by the human condition, what creates excellence and what is our true potential. She believes that our authentic essential selves are buried under our conditioned personalities and inherited belief systems. Without an honest inquiry into our true nature we are struck by hardships, relational challenges and trauma's in all areas of our lives. Abigail works with depression, anxiety, addictions, spiritual crises, relationship issues and trauma to name a few.
Every individual has a responsibility to do his/her inner work. Without inner work individual's suffer as does society, as does our planet. Having worked in the Fashion industry, the entertainment industry and the business world Abigail recognises patterns of behaviours that disguise and distract us from our core selves often in destructive ways. When we are stuck in comfort zone behaviours we are blind to the true purpose and unique gifts of our lives.
Abigail's mission is to create a more conscious world where each individual she works with has the opportunity and develops the capacity to unlock their unique charismatic potential and live with awareness and love. We live in an ever changing world, never has it been so important for humanity and therefore individual's to step into their true autonomy, embrace personal accountability and take responsibility for our lives one step at a time. Abigail recognises it takes courage to own and value our vulnerabilities and supports the necessary transition from stagnation and repetition to expansion and transformation with her expertise in many schools of thought ranging from Transpersonal, Existentialism, Psychodynamic, Jungian, Breath work, Family Constellations, NLP and EMDR therapy she aims to deliver her best to meet you at your best.

Workshops & Retreats
follow @abigailiq
Embrace Growth, Embody Truth, and Experience Transformation
Unlock your unique charismatic potential and live with awareness and love.