individual work
one on one Therapy
50 min sessions
Individual therapy is for everybody, and it is an opportunity to inquire into current challenges, traumas, issues and conflicts. Sessions are 50 mins and offer a unique opportunity to meet yourself on many levels and realms, including cognitively, emotionally, sensationally, spiritually, and intuitively.
We have all been conditioned and programmed, and on the basis of this, we have formulated many beliefs and values. Sometimes we haven't stopped to examine our beliefs but have just inherited them and carried them forward.
There comes a time when our beliefs and values trip us up and ask us for a re-evaluation. Listening to this calling is essential if we want to be self-accountable and responsible human beings. Developmental psychology also plays a huge role in how we see and experience ourselves today and so the past is embraced when necessary as a means of discovery, understanding, and transformation.
Inner child work
For many of us childhood was tricky, in that we had to grow up too fast, be parents for our own parents, adapt our behaviours to be convenient for others, dull our shine, let go of our essential qualities and "fit in," deal with angry environments and parents, adjust to neglectful, absent or ill parents, overcompensate or under compensate for the situation just to name a few.
At times some of us look back at our childhoods, and we remember them as ideal and blissful, and we find ourselves in our everyday lives yearning for a replay as we are challenged with daily difficulties in our present lives. Whatever our experience, nobody else has had one exactly like we had, and often our inner children are crying out for much-needed attention and validation.
It's often strange to think that our inner children are still alive in us however, it is wise to recognize they are, and without adequate love and attention, they are often driving our buses off the edge of the cliff. Inner child work is a beautiful way to engage with our little selves and move to a more holistic, fulfilled sense of being.
Eye movement desensitization
EMDR: Eye movement desensitization re-programming is a technique used for trauma, both shock and developmental trauma, stubborn issues that persist over time, and to process blocks that show up in the form of self-sabotage. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation which awakens both the left and right hemispheres so they begin talking to each other again.
Often when a person experiences trauma the tension, shock, fear, and/or anger gets lodged in the Nervous System or in belts of tension in the body. Bilateral stimulation can be used through audio, visual and/or tactical activation as a means of processing what is left unresolved in the body and mind.
Spiritual work
Spiritual work is often a beautiful byproduct of doing our inner work and cleaning up our house. When we dare to look at our shadow, conditioning, old patterns and structures of behaviours and we have the courage to challenge these areas we often see the falsity and superficiality of many of the things we hold dear.
Letting go of these old constructs can be scary and unknown and being able to tolerate the unknown, the undiscovered can feel like free falling. We can often find ourselves in a void, a place of emptiness and darkness when we embark on a journey of self development and although this can be frightening it can also be extremely rewarding.
Facing our fears no doubt takes courage and a desire for the truth, this in turn can lead to a true excitement, spaciousness and connection with ourselves which is invaluable. Meeting our essential selves, our core being is so rewarding, considering there is no other individual now or ever that is truly and uniquely YOU.
Breath work
Individual and group breath work is based on Osho Pulsation breath work which has its origins in Wilhelm Reich's work. He believed there were seven belts of tension (corresponding approximately to the chakras) throughout the body where stored tensions and traumas could get stuck in the body. We can access these blocks using the breath, and release is possible.
Through guided sessions, at times using music, the individual can bypass the cognitive mind and experience release at deep levels bringing often clarity, healing, transformation, and a deep sense of fulfillment.