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Conscious Leadership: Geneva

  • Park of Penthes Estate Lake Geneva Geneva (map)

Early Career Workshop:  Conscious and authentic leadership: lead from the inside out!


  • Costanza Bonadonna (University of Geneva)

  • Gari Mayberry (U.S. Geological Survey)

  • Joali Paredes-Mariño (University of Auckland)

Facilitated by Abigail Iquo Isuo (

A one-day workshop before the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly is organized for Early Career Scientists to explore important aspects of conscious and inclusive leadership that include self-empowerment and self-awareness. This unique and deep work is rooted in psychodynamic and psychosomatic approaches as well as breath work to unveil profound and hidden potentials and begin to embrace our true nature. Only through the expression of our authentic self we will be able to lead and relate with consciousness and creativity, which is key to the sustainable expansion of both ourselves and of our scientific community. 

This deep and necessary work will be facilitated and supported by an experienced Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapist with a deep passion for growth, truth and transformation, Abigail Iquo Isuo ( It will take place in an outstanding private location immersed in the inspiring park of Penthes Estate with spectacular views of Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc (behind the United Nations and only 15 minutes by bus from Geneva main train station).

This one-day workshop is designed for open-minded researchers that are ready to deep dive into themselves and begin an integrative journey to fully embrace and enjoy their fullest potentials. It is carefully organized before the IAVCEI SA to give you the opportunity to explore new ways of communicating science, collaborating with other researchers in a multidisciplinary and multicultural setting and contributing to the growth of our scientific community with renew energy and vision.

Limited places available. 

June 4

Path of Love UK

July 3

WOMEN’S RETREAT: Emerge, Elevate, Evolve.